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The sturdy range of disposable polystyrene trays has many advantages over paper or rigid plastic trays. It is easy to pack manually or automatically, it is light, far more rigid, price competitive, much smarter in appearance, not prone to softening, either in use or in storage, and protects the packed contents far more effectively than other forms of packaging.
All kinds of caterers, supermarkets and farms can improve the presentation of their products and so increase customer satisfaction with polystyrene trays.
S-PAK® polystyrene trays are sturdy and can be effectively used for frozen food as well as fresh food.


P.O. Box 124953, Jeddah 21342, Saudi Arabia
Tel: +966 2 608 2088/ 2077, Fax: +966 2 608 2099, E-mail: spak@saudipack.com, Website: www.saudipack.com

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