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Pizza boxes are designed to meet the specific needs of catering outlets operating within the fastest growing and most dynamic take-away market in the Middle East.
These boxes are also heavily used for the traditional Middle-Eastern "fatayer".
Three sizes of boxes are available for small, medium, and large pizzas, all constructed from sturdy disposable polystyrene.
Every K-PAK® pizza box can be custom printed with an outlet's slogan, logo, or advertising message


P.O. Box 124953, Jeddah 21342, Saudi Arabia
Tel: +966 2 608 2088/ 2077, Fax: +966 2 608 2099, E-mail: spak@saudipack.com, Website: www.saudipack.com

Copyright Saudi Foam Trays Manufacturing Company 2008.
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Leonar Addz.com